Social Ads

Why Social Media Ads For Estate Agents?

Social media ads for estate agents can be a timely investment for an estate agent and it isn’t always easy to ensure your ads and campaigns are delivered in the right way.

Our team of property experts have years of experience in researching, planning and creating innovative social campaigns that align with core business objectives and achieve fantastic results.



So how popular is Social media ads for estate agents?

The use of social media websites is a common part of life today. At the beginning of 2017, the total number of social media users in the UK had reached over 39 million users, with estimates going up to 42 million users today.

Never is it one size fits all

At DigitalMunkey, we never say yes one size fits all; we invest the time required to fully understand your estate agency business and the local competition. We don’t believe in a platform specific approach, instead, we believe that in order to surpass your goals, a well-rounded strategy is key.

Work together to deliver great results

We’ll look to work with your in-house team and any external partners to provide you with the services required to give your campaign the best chance to perform.

Great insights

We have great insights to a number of estate agents in lots of different areas, so we can tailor the right Ads for your agency for the start.